Founded in 1968 – the year of world-wide student revolts, youth protests and a search for identity - that fitted well, bearing in mind that many other German bands were on a quest for their own, unique sound. These experiments resulted in numerous original musical styles, which, out of foolishness, disapproval or ignorance (who would be able to tell nowadays?) were pigeon-holed as "Krautrock".
Birth Control are still classified as "Krautrock", although their music has rather little to do with it. Hard rock or classic rock seem more appropriate labels. However, if one assumes that the term "Krautrock" refers to an era rather than a musical genre, then it’s alright.
Even now, forty years on, the band do not trade on their own legendary status but they still tour Germany and Europe – fresh as ever.
Landmarks and important events from over four decades can be found on the left-hand in the menu "Band History". Also tour posters, flyers, concert photos and fan fiction have been collated there for you.